Which Dogs Are Good with Cats?
Are they really biological foes? I mean cats and dogs. Do they detest each other’s presence that much? All these are questions that have plagued pet owners and even the general public.
Their ‘enmity’ (cat & dog) has been publicly acknowledged, even making its way into our everyday vocabulary.
But in the animal world, things are quite different. Not all pets are compatible, accurate, but the same is true of humans.
Dogs and cats have been the most famous pets for a while now, and most people have one of the two (either cat or dog). But some pet owners love both and want to raise them together under the same roof.
Or maybe you have a dog, and you are thinking of bringing a cat home, but you are worried they won’t fit together because of the biological association attached to both cat and dog.
The truth is not all dogs like cats, and vice versa.
Generally, hunting dogs are not the best for homes with cats. They have a high prey drive and tendency to go after other pets (notably smaller pets). I am not sure your cat would appreciate being chased.
Working dogs with their high activity level are predisposed to being playful and restless and could find your cat interesting to play with. Cats are not high energy pets; they prefer to sleep and cuddle all day.
So don’t ever think of pairing a cat with any of the working dogs.
Toy dogs are the best feline companions. They (toy dogs) were primarily bred for companionship, and don’t possess the qualities that make them aggressive or unsuitable for friendship with people and other pets.
Okay, maybe you are wondering which is pet, hunting or working dog. Don’t worry, here is a list of dogs that are good with cats
- Poodle
This particular dog breed is a charmer. With beautiful, soft and wooly coat, the poodle is a good looking dog.
They are highly intelligent, sociable, obedience, and playful dog. They don’t need a lot of exercises and are friendly towards cats and other pets.
This breed is one of the toy breeds; weight is usually between 1.9 – 3.5kg, and a small dog.
Pomeranian is a playful, lively, and friendly dog loves to be the center of attention and requires low exercise to keep fit.
It warm and gentle nature is extended towards cats too, so you might find a Pomeranian and a cat curl up together.
Their facial anatomy makes it incredibly difficult not to love a pug. The muzzled face would have you in between loving and despising them. But a pug always wins the battle!
They are gentle and compassionate dogs, love attention and prefers to sleep over anything.
Pugs can be quite stubborn but NOT aggressive.
They are an excellent feline companion and get along well with them.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Affectionate, playful, and patient, the Cavalier is an excellent dog. They are eager to please the owner, highly adaptable to any environment and good lap dogs.
They also serve as therapy dogs, medical patients and senior citizens find their presence enticing.
If you are getting a cat and you already own this dog, you have nothing to worry about.
They are warm and receptive of other pets, and cats are not an exclusion.
This is the smallest dog breed. Beware, the Chihuahua packs a lot of personality into that tiny frame.
They are fiercely loyal to their owner and can become overprotective. Their overprotective nature makes them excellent watchdogs.
They can be very vocal and bark at the sight of an intruder or stranger (to alert their owner about the intruder, not necessarily to scare away the stranger).
The only problem with getting a cat with this breed is if you have enough space on your lap to accommodate the two of them.
When it comes to the sense of smell, only the Bloodhound can boast of better ability.
But most people don’t buy them because of their sense of smell, but because of their relaxed demeanor.
They have low exercise and activity requirement but tend to gain weight quickly. So keep an eye on their diet.
Beagle loves companionship; they will follow you everywhere within the house.
They do suffer from separation anxiety because of their love for companionship, so if you won’t be at home all day, getting a cat might be the best thing for your dog.
Shih Tzu
Another one of the toy breeds. Shih Tzu may be small, but is not a lap dog.
It prefers wandering around the house to sleeping or sitting on your laps.
They are cute, alert, loyal, and affectionate dogs. They don’t shed heavily but requires adequate grooming.
The Shih Tzu is great with other dogs and children. It has a high activity level, so consider getting a toy for the dog to play with.
They are not known to show hostility towards cats, so adopting a cat with a Shih Tzu in the house is safe for everybody.
Golden Retriever
A rare working dog that likes cats. The Golden Retriever is a dog of high intelligence and one of those dogs that can swim.
They are family dogs; they do well with people and not a good ‘one man’ dog. They are easy to train, have a high energy level and extremely sociable.
They have a high activity level, so they regularly feature at the beach and other places where they can play and exercise.
They are equally receptive of cats and they form good bonds with them. Don’t be surprised when you see a Golden Retriever and a cat share a bed.
Labrador Retriever
A close relative of the Golden Retriever, they are also working dogs and can equally serve as service dogs.
They are highly intelligent and playful dogs, easy to train and eager to please. They possess all round friendliness with people and cats alike.
Papillion is a descendant of the toy spaniel. They don’t like been alone and are friendly towards family and strangers.
Not good with kids, fairly quiet and need to exercise regularly. They are good with cats and other pets too.
So if you are thinking of getting a cat with a dog at home or vice versa, these dogs are best suited to having a feline companion in the house.
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