11 Most Loyal Dog Breeds
For thousands of years, dogs have been mankind’s best friend. But over the years, that friendship has taken on a myriad of different forms.
This is especially true when you think about how many distinct dog breeds there are today.
Some of these breeds don’t even seem to notice who is feeding or walking them. Instead, they tend to fall in love with every stranger they meet throughout their lives.
On the other hand, some breeds have been domesticated to be extremely loyal to their humans and are sure to stick by their side through both thick and thin.
In the following article, we’re going to take a look at 11 of the most loyal dog breeds.
Keep in mind that these choices are completely subjective. And although there are plenty of others that could have made the list, the following breeds are known to be some of the most loyal.
· Akita
According to the American Kennel Club, the Akita is a “profoundly loyal” and dignified dog breed.
Of Japanese origin, these large, fluffy dogs are known for being highly alert and courageous at all times, as well as being patient and affectionate around children.
They do need plenty of socialization as pups, but once they’ve matured, they’re sure to be as loyal as possible to their masters.
· Collie
Who hasn’t heard of Lassie, the heroic Collie who ran around saving lives almost every day on primetime TV?
Well, the show wasn’t all Hollywood smoke and mirrors. In fact, Collies are known to be one of the most intelligent and most loyal dog breeds.
We should also mention the Shetland Sheepdog, often referred to as the Sheltie. These dogs are a much smaller version of a full-sized Collie, but they’re just as loyal.
· German Shepherd
It shouldn’t be any surprise to see the German Shepherd on our list of the most loyal dogs.
They are known to be extremely intelligent, which is why they’re also one of the most employable dog breeds.
In fact, you’ll often see these dogs working alongside police officers and military personnel due to their being extremely trainable and loyal to their masters.
· Labrador Retriever
With a name like “retriever”, you can be sure that this next breed is sure to be loyal to the bone.
They were originally bred as hardworking hunting dogs to help hunters retrieve their prey from bodies of water. This has imbued their DNA with a keen sense of loyalty and these dogs are often so loyal that they’ll rarely leave their masters’ side.
· Boxer
Boxers are typically known as a very active and extremely alert dog. This makes them an excellent guard dog to protect your family or property.
They are usually fairly wary of strangers, but to their masters, they’ll always be loyal.
· St. Bernard
The next breed to make our list is another Hollywood superstar, the St. Bernard. Back in the early 90s, this breed was featured in the family movie hit, Beethoven. The movie became so popular that there was even a sequel, and then three more movies after that.
If the movies taught us anything about this breed, it’s that St. Bernards are extremely loyal and loving family dogs.
They were originally bred as mountain dogs to help rescue humans trapped in avalanches or other precarious situations. Therefore, you can be sure that this breed will always be loyal.
· The Great Pyrenees
Great Pyrenees were first bred as a herding dog, but today, they are mostly just extremely loyal family pets with very protective instincts.
And not only are they extremely loyal, they’re also big and fluffy, and who wouldn’t want to cuddle with a dog like that?
This breed is also known for being very intelligent, calm, and patient at all times, making them excellent for families with younger children.
Lastly, we should mention that like all other herding dogs, Great Pyrenees require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation.
· Rottweiler
Although this breed often gets a bad reputation in the movies and media, these hardy guardians are some of the most loyal, gentle, and protective family dogs you’ll ever find.
They do tend to act a bit more reserved around strangers, but when they’re with their humans, the look on their faces speaks of nothing less than pure loyalty and love.
· Beagle
Although they’re a bit of a smaller dog breed, their loyalty to their masters is fierce and about as big as it gets.
This breed has literally been around for hundreds of years and they’re often referred to as a “companion breed”, meaning that they’re the perfect pet for anyone who’s looking for a best friend.
· Dachshund
Another relatively small breed, the Dachshund was originally bred to hunt badgers and other small pests in Germany.
Even today, they’ve retained their curious and persistent hunting nature, as well as their high level of intelligence.
With their short little legs and long bodies, these dogs tend to be very protective of their packs.
In fact, despite their small stature, there are plenty of stories of Dachshunds saving their families from bear attacks and even house fires.
They may be small, but what they lack in height, they certainly make up for in loyalty.
· Yorkshire Terrier
Lastly, we have one of the tiniest, spunkiest and most loyal dogs a human could ask for.
Due to their size, Yorkshire Terriers tend to be skeptical of strangers and quickly get attached to their owners.
Just one look into the eyes of a Yorkie and you’re sure to see nothing less than total devotion and loyalty. And what more could a dog owners ask for?
The Most Loyal Dog Breeds
So, there you have it!
A comprehensive list of the 11 of the most loyal dog breeds.
Not only are these breeds loyal, but most of them are known for being extremely intelligent creatures and are sure to bring plenty of joy and happiness into the hearts of their masters.
Whether you’re a fan of big dogs like the German Shepherd or the Akita, or love how cute and friendly smaller breeds are, these 11 dogs are sure to be about as loyal as it can get.
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